
Some Info About Infographics

When the Catholic Foundation requested an “infographic poster” as part of a promotion for Catholic Foundation Sunday, we used a door, with stained glass insets as holding devices for data. The door continued the 2013 annual report theme of “welcoming” all in the Catholic community to become donors to the Catholic Foundation. Maria Popova produces…

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Thank You, Mayor Rawlings

Mayor Rawlings: Thank you for the hard work to see this through, for the brilliance of your remarks today, and, above all, for the pitch perfect demeanor you brought to The 50th: Honoring the Memory of President John F. Kennedy. SullivanPerkins

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Moving Image

This past weekend marked the 26th Dallas VideoFest. Thousands of images have come and gone from the screens at the Alamo Drafthouse, primary site for this year’s festival. This image remains. It was our poster for the festival, appearing on walls, t-shirts, and on the cover of the 76-page program we also produced.    

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A Story About A Corey

  Congratulations to the Southlake Historical Society, which is receiving the Albert B. Corey Award from the American Association of State and Local History. The prestigious Corey Award is given to “volunteer historical organizations that best display the qualities of vigor, scholarship and imagination in their work.” The SHS award is specifically for its new…

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The Southlake Historical Society’s new creative, engaging website – www.southlakehistory.org – has earned the SHS the Albert B. Corey Award from the American Association of State and Local History as part of its Leadership in History Awards. The annual awards are the nation’s most prestigious recognition for achievement in the preservation and interpretation of state…

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Way to Go, Mighty Mo!

We like to think SullivanPerkins logos are powerful communications tools. Rarely have we seen that power so visibly demonstrated as when Mighty Mo Hooker took out John Montes with a TKO in the sixth round of their welterweight fight at Beamers in Dallas on June 8. That’s right, we designed the logo on Mighty Mo’s…

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Hi-Yo, Tina!

Who was that bonneted woman in Trailer #4 for the new Lone Ranger flick starring Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer? Why it’s none other than our old friend Tina Parker. We know Tina as the brilliant Co-Artistic Director of Kitchen Dog Theater, for whom we’ve done numerous award-winning posters and other promotional pieces over the…

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It’s a knockout!

Responsive design for Maple Avenue Boxing Gym website functions on desktop, phone, and tablets. Whether you want to knock heads in the boxing ring or just turn them with a well-conditioned body, Maple Avenue Boxing Gym in Dallas is a terrific venue. Using “responsive design” that automatically adjusts the desktop content of the website to…

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Winter in October

  From September 15th to October 20th, the McKinney Avenue Contemporary is featuring an exhibition on influential Texas artist Roger Winter. Called Lost Highway – A Painter’s Journey, the exhibition spans Winter’s career from 1965 to present, with a focus on his works from the 1980s to today and a retrospective survey of paintings and…

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Here We Come to Save the Day!

When our friends at Maple Avenue Boxing Gym asked us to design a logo for a talented young fighter with the fabulous nom de guerre of Mighty Mo Hooker, we answered the bell. The Contenders Here are some of the logos we presented. The Champion Here’s the one that knocked them out! It was designed…

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