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IRCE Top 10 Takeaways


Last month, we attended IRCE 2013 in Chicago, where 200 speakers presented during a 4-day event focused on internet retailing. After the conference, IRCE sent attendees 10 key insights to be considered by every online retailer (SullivanPerkins has many clients in that most dynamic of spaces).

Here are those insights:

1. Video leads to better search results (i.e. YouTube is one of the world’s largest search engines).

2. Security, privacy, and fraud prevention are key — without trust, flee.

3. Fulfillment and customer service are crucial — all online retailers can learn from Amazon.

4. Technology selection – make what you have work to its fullest before buying new technology.

5. Test any potential new vendor – make sure the vendor can handle what you need.

6. Start with a marketplace, before going global – sell on a marketplace that’s already popular with shoppers in global markets before trying to penetrate a foreign country on your own.

7. Cross-channel fulfillment – ship online orders from stores, to strengthen both channels.

8. Email marketing is indispensable — let data help steer your efforts.

9. Social media marketing — it’s all constantly changing, so you must be prepared to change as well, but always be clear about your objectives and ways of measuring success.

10. Mobile commerce – use advanced technology to make iPad apps come to life.

We are absorbing all 10 takeaways; the conference was eye opening and rich in valuable insights, both for our agency and for our clients.