
When a letter from Dallas City Councilperson Jennifer Staubach Gates’ office reached us, with an appeal to participate in a program whereby citizens can thank city workers  during this period of pandemic by sponsoring lunches for them, delivered by local restaurants, we had an immediate thought: let’s volunteer a name and a logo to support the program. The program seemed such a great idea — citizens with the heart to do it could support their struggling neighborhood restaurants, and city employees in Fleet Services, or at the Dallas Animal Shelter, or elsewhere, would be treated to lunch. So perfect an idea, we thought, actually deserved to be expanded; why not have a citywide program that had Dallas citizens paying for lunch delivery from their favorite restaurants not just to city workers, but also to hospital workers, grocery store employees, anyone on the job while the rest of us are staying safe at home. So, we counter-proposed a much larger program.  It did not come to pass, but we came up with the name Good To Go and the logo anyway. Here are two of the hypothetical program brands that we thought were more than good enough (one incorporating the existing City of Dallas logo):