
Non-profits are often so service oriented they neglect to work on their brand. But, as many branding experts have stated, effective branding can help you connect to the people you serve; it can also provide clarity about your purpose, and with that clarity comes increased awareness and perhaps increased support.


In a work entitled “Breakthrough Non-Profit Branding,” the author said that every non-profit needs a three-dimensional value proposition:

Convince the head – articulate a unique idea that explains what you do better than others.
Touch the heart – put a cause and outcome ahead of your own organizational needs and become a magnet for others who are passionate about your mission.
Engage the hands – create community by uniting strangers in a shared commitment.


So, how do you create a powerful visual brand?

Use a unique “alphabet” of design elements – shape, color, materials, typography and composition – which can communicate your values and personality in a compelling fashion. Do something striking. And, once you create your identity, present it consistently at all times, and be proud of it.