Check out this clip of billionaire Warren Buffet offering to buy the world a Coke as he strums his ukulele. It’s part of the festivities for the annual meeting of Coca Cola, where he owns quite a bit of stock. We did our part to enhance the festivities at the annual meeting of Mr. Buffet’s own company, Berkshire Hathaway. SullivanPerkins handled Berkshire Hathaway portfolio company BNSF Railway’s 2014 Annual Review in print and digital formats. And we worked on BNSF’s booth for the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting on May 2, where the BNSF Annual Review will be on display to the meeting’s 40,000 attendees! Maybe after he finishes his Coke, Mr. Buffet will try his hand at the train simulator. Wonder if he knows “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.”