Here’s a question we never expected a client to ask: “hey, did you get the trumpeter we sent?”
Yes, he was referring to an actual trumpeter. The International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians, as a show of gratitude for our work on their recent logo redesign, delivered us a detailed proclamation:
WHEREAS, Mark Perkins and his advertising and design firm, SullivanPerkins, worked diligently, professionally, and successfully designing the new ICSOM logo; and
WHEREAS, Mark Perkins and his colleagues at SullivanPerkins spent months creating and submitting numerous possible logos, all worthy of consideration; and
WHEREAS, They were patient, accommodating, and productive while the ICSOM governing board discussed the proposed logos and made suggestions for various revisions, finally coming to a consensus on a logo offered during SullivanPerkins’ first round of selections; and
WHEREAS, SullivanPerkins not only provided the logo in many forms and file types for various uses, but also supplied a comprehensive use and standards guide; and
WHEREAS, Mark Perkins highly values and appreciates music and other art forms, as demonstrated by his long-time support of numerous arts, cultural, and educational organizations, including the Dallas Symphony and the Dallas Opera; and
WHEREAS, Mark Perkins and SullivanPerkins have been generous with both their time and resources to the great benefit of ICSOM; therefor, be it
RESOLVED, That the ICSOM governing board and the delegates of the 2009 ICSOM Conference thank ark Perkins and SullivanPerkins for their support of music and ICSOM and for their tremendous generosity and creativity in providing the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians with its new logo.
Too bad the trumpeter wasn’t able to find our office – it would have been fun to see everyone’s reaction. Thanks, ICSOM!
Image credit: mused1nspired