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Talk About Sustainability

Long-term relationships — ten, twenty, even thirty years in duration — are remarkable for any business, and much more so for a creative marketing company, which is sustained by shape shifting to stay current and ahead of trends and technological change. So it is perhaps excusable that we like to boast about the long-term client relationships we have enjoyed. Among those relationships: Nokia (12 years), GTE/Verizon (20 years), Lake Austin Spa Resort (15 years), BNSF Railway (10 years).

But for the longest of the long-term, our winner is Commercial Metals Company. One of the world’s leading steel manufacturers, CMC is involved in recycling, manufacturing, fabrication, and the marketing and trading of metals. With Commercial Metals, the relationship began with an annual report in the late 1980s and has continued uninterrupted, with work that includes brand identity, advertising, Intranet design, capability books, and CMC’s initial Corporate Sustainability Report, recently released at SullivanPerkins edited and designed the report, working with CMC and a leading global consulting firm.

CMC Sustainability Report