These days, more and more employees who have observed work-from-home protocols are returning to the office. It’s a gradual process, but you may suddenly discover the need for new accommodations in the workplace. Some changes might include costly redesigned offices with plexiglass barriers, filtered HVAC, or even an anteroom for temperature-taking. One of the simplest signs of the new normal may be the implementation of safety signage, to convey the most important messages from the pandemic: signs about social distancing, masking wearing, or even hand washing. Our experience in interior signage is varied, including pin-mounted mission statements in lobbies, donor acknowledgement walls, designed timelines to tell corporate histories, and basic wayfinding building-wide. As an exercise, SullivanPerkins has recently mocked up some examples of the new signs for these times–one hypothetical, two just for fun using long-time client Ursuline Academy as the “example.” Our point: if a sign is going up in your workplace, it should fit your brand and reflect who you are. And, if you need branded signage designed and implemented as your employees return to the office, sign us up.