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Showing Our Agility for Sagility


Sagility, formerly HGS Healthcare, is a healthcare process management leader. With their recent name change came the task to rebrand all their marketing collateral – STAT! The original timeframe was a brisk month-and-a-half. But as happens in the world of marketing as it does in healthcare, sometimes there’s a sudden need for an urgent response. As in: rebrand approximately 50 marketing pieces, including multi-page case studies, brochures, white papers and sell sheets with elements including a new logo, color palette, fonts and graphics – in four days! Our full complement of designers was called in and – with all hands on deck in production and elsewhere – we were able to meet the schedule and produce a healthy, happy, freshly re-branded collection of collateral materials. For Sagility – and for all our clients – we have the agility and the ability to respond, especially in times of urgency.