Check out the cool animation of our poster for Kitchen Dog Theater’s current play, “Queen of Basel” by Hilary Bettis. Although we do lots of motion graphics, this animation was handled by Jonathan Taylor, who’s on the KDT marketing committee and has his own studio. The play’s a regional premiere and runs November 21-December 15; you can buy your tickets at As for the poster, it was designed by SP senior designer Kelly Allen, who serves on the Kitchen Dog board. (He also designed KDT’s iconic logo, as well as posters for multiple plays over the years.) SullivanPerkins has been doing award-winning pro-bono work for Kitchen Dog for more than 15 years. That work has been recognized numerous times by the Dallas Society for Visual Communication (most recently with a Silver Award for this year’s Season Brochure) and by Communication Arts, Print and others. Designing the Kitchen Dog Season Brochure is one of our coolest tasks, giving our cast of stellar designers a chance to take the spotlight, each with a poster for a different play.