Anticipating our move to new offices in 2021, SullivanPerkins is performing a long needed clean out of items we have stored, including boxes of branded t-shirts retained as samples from past projects for, VideoFest, The Crossroads Group, and others. As it turns out, this never used clothing will find a use at The Bridge, the homeless services center near downtown Dallas. We spoke to Dr. Woody, director at The Bridge. Those he serves, ten minutes away from our offices in Uptown but a world away in personal circumstances, need layered clothing for warmth this winter. So, SullivanPerkins delivered over 200 new t-shirts to the facility. We also brought dozens of logo-branded tumblers for Hotwire (SullivanPerkins created the initial logo for the launch of this online competitor to Travelocity), polo shirts branded with divisions of JMC Steel Group, branded tote bags, and other so-called “discards.” Also included, dozens of t-shirts with the SullivanPerkins logo, produced as summer gifts for Nokia, Verizon, and other past clients.